For the past four years Submedia has been visiting a camp of the Unist’ot’en of the Wet’suet’en Nation in so-called British Columbia in Canada. The Unist’ot’en continue to fend off intrusions to their land by rapacious oil and gas companies. The threats are large and systemic and involve the very base of life itself. This two-part series of short films document the direct actions that are effective in keeping the threats of oil and gas out. Stopping the corporations physically is paramount, as they’ll stop at nothing. This series follows on from the past series on the same topic by Submedia, Stop The Flows.


The Unist’ot’en have built a protection camp to block the Pacific Trails Pipeline or PTP, in so-called British Columbia in Canada. The PTP pipeline would bring natural gas obtained through fracking to the Pacific ocean and would cross through the Unist’ot’en’s traditional territory. This is the third time the Unist’ot’en have called for a convergence in their land. This year’s camp attracted over 150 people who came from as far east as Montreal and as far south as Florida. The camp organisers opted not to ask large environmental NGOs for material support, and instead reached out to grassroots, community based allies.

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