Films about eugenics
Human Resources
Human Resources — Social Engineering in the 20th Century is about the rise of mechanistic philosophy and the exploitation of human beings under modern hierarchical systems. The film captures how humans are regarded as a resource by corporations—something to be exploited for pecuniary gain—by following the history of psychological experiments in behaviour modification, conditioning and mind control; applying the outcomes to modern day establishment experiments such as institutionalised education, and social engineering by way of things like television…
Age of Transitions
Transhumanists claim a beautiful and apparently now-not-so-distant utopian future made possible by artificial intelligence, life extension and cybernetic technologies. But upon examining the convergence of these technologies and the history behind them, Age Of Transitions details how this movement of “transcending human limits” was born out of pseudo-science eugenics, and what the implications are for a world divided by the have’s and have-not’s.
Who’s Afraid of Designer Babies?
After many experiments with cloning and genetically manipulation on other species, technology and genetic science is now turning to the frontier of the human. Every parent wants their child to be healthy, but does this extend to picking their genes for them? What about those who are unable to have children naturally for whatever reason, who turn to artificial insemination or genetic modification? Is this designing children? What are the repercussions in a world dominated by genetically modified people? Will we evolve into a new species and transcend our history to one of inclusion and harmony? Or, will we simply end up in a world that is further divided — by genetic apartheid?
Cloning The First Human
Ever since February 1997, when genetic scientists first unveiled ‘Dolly’ the cloned sheep, has genetic engineering pushed towards the desire to clone and genetically modify human beings. Since then, cloned cattle, pigs, goats and mice have been produced amongst other things, fuelling the belief that humans can be next. But what are the problems with this manipulation? Cloning The First Human follows the latest research, which not only shows complications from an ethical position, but much more dangerous ones too…